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Tapping: Scripts for Beginners – EFT tapping scripts for stress management, weight loss, energy healing and more that you can use tod

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Discover how to Re-Program your Brain for Success and Happiness!
No matter what your personal roadblocks are, tapping can help you get over them
Health is not a condition of matter, but of Mind.
- Mary Baker Eddy
Right now take a moment and ask yourself what are the issues you are struggling with that are currently holding your back? Do you experience crippling stress? Are you prone to procrastination? Do you want to quit smoking or lose weight? Whatever it is take heart and know that you are not alone. To one extent or another everyone you meet is fighting their own desperate battle. What’s more I’m sure that you’ve made many attempts to overcome your own personal demons in the past only to come up short. Why is making real, positive change so difficult?
The problem, more often than not, is in your mind. From the time you are born your brain is constantly trying to understand and relate to the world by way of cause and effect relationships. Some cause and effect relationships, such as the seemingly instantaneous urge to remove your hand from fire, are obviously beneficial. However as we get older these cause and effect relationships can become mixed up and confused and actually hold us back. An example of this is learning to respond to stress by drinking, smoking, or overeating. This is the problem that most of us face. Often without knowing it we have constrained ourselves in invisible chains of our own creation. This is what holds us back and why it can be so hard to change.
Breaking these invisible bonds and replacing them with positive habits is what meridian tapping is all about. Not unlike acupuncture or acupressure tapping allows you to make use of the mind / body connection to re-program your faulty brain patterns and replace them with new ones. This is what Tapping Scripts for Beginners is all about. Within it’s pages you will learn how to:
•Transform negative emotions into positive ones
•Allow new insights and options to manifest themselves to you
•Remove blocked energy and allow yourself to experience true happiness
•Make your days easier by learning to go with the flow as opposed to making everything into a fight
•Improve your relationships, both at home and at work
•Experience true emotional freedom from doubt, fear and worry
•Release your creativity
•Learn how to overcome issues such as weight loss, insomnia, shyness and more
This is but a taste of what the miracle of meridian tapping can help you with. In straightforward and easy to understand language Tapping Scripts for Beginners outlines the principles you need to know in order to turn your life around today. What’s more, once you understand theses principles you will have the power to create your own tapping scripts to help you overcome your own unique issues. The secret to becoming all you can be is by learning how to unlock the power of your mind. Order this book and get started on your own journey of self-discovery and adventure today!
- Sales Rank: #459046 in eBooks
- Published on: 2014-01-20
- Released on: 2014-01-20
- Format: Kindle eBook
All I can say is wow! I had this book recommended to me by a friend as I was enduring a pretty stressful time at work. After a couple of reads through I started to practice some of the exercises and immediately felt the benefits. I found the exercises easy to follow and the chapter on breathing really helped me to start the relaxation process and let go.
- Jason
I have just learnt the wonders of EFT Tapping and the book has been a good learning and inspiration and shows easy techniques.
- Helen Anderson (Amazon Verified Purchase)
This is really simple to follow. It gave me a quick way to start tapping (which is really helping me with pain management) until I can come up with my own scripts.
- Chewysmom (Amazon Verified Purchase)
From the Author
My name is Anthony Anholt and I firmlybelieve that each of us is filled with untapped potential. As such I amconstantly on the lookout for ways to improve myself from the inside out, bothmentally and physically. I believe in using natural, time proven methods to dothis as opposed to phony workout gimmicks, products, or drugs. I firmly believethat God has endowed us with the innate ability and talent to be the best wecan be. All we need to do is uncover it.
If you could kick the person in the pantsresponsible for most of you trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month - TheodoreRoosevelt
If you are willing to put in the work (andyes, there will be work. That is the price life charges for improvement, noexceptions) and have a strong desire to be more than you presently are, I thinkmy books can help you. I look forward to beginning this journey with you.
Anthony Anholt
About the Author
Anthony Anholt has been interested and involved in athletics and fitness for his entire life. His specialty is “gym less” workouts, or exercise systems that do not require any kind of special equipment. He is also interested in enhancing performance in all sports and natural healing techniques. This is his sixth book.
Most helpful customer reviews
10 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
Really Neat and Effective
By Bobbi Jones
I was amazed and surprised when I read the material in this book because it matches so well with what I know about acupuncture and other forms of energy healing. I have been receiving acupuncture weekly for several decades and know quite a lot about it. Well, it turns out that tapping using the same sort of underlying methodology. The neat thing about tapping is that it is much simpler to use than acupuncture, and you don't have to worry if you are fearful of needles. Also, this book presents a great methodology for tapping, offering a program for the biggest skeptic to the most open-minded believer. You can feel the results right away. I tried several of the suggested programs and my self-assessment number changed surprisingly quickly. It's really neat. There is also a great FAQs section at the back that answers most questions that you'll have when you finish reading through the programs for different issues such as weight loss, insomnia, creativity, and more. Well written, well researched, and put together in an easy-to-use format. Highly recommended for those interested in self-healing and self development!
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Definitely for beginners
By Niquey
Very easy to read, very easy to follow. The title is correct: this book is definitely for beginners. There are three scripts for each category you may want to begin tapping on, but only about a dozen categories. One diagram to show the tapping points, otherwise no pictures. It's effective, but if you're a visual learner, Gala Darling's quick 5-minute video on YouTube would be a great choice for you.
6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Sorry but I just don't "get" it
By Bea
OK, I've been introduced to EFT before and maybe I'm just one of those folks that feels to self-conscious to actually give it a go. For some reason it makes me feel VERY silly and I'm constantly overthinking it so it just doesn't work for me. I DO know that it works for others so if you're interested in learning more about it this book does quite a good job of explaining it.
See all 34 customer reviews...
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Tapping: Scripts for Beginners – EFT tapping scripts for stress management, weight loss, energy healing and more that you can use tod PDF
Tapping: Scripts for Beginners – EFT tapping scripts for stress management, weight loss, energy healing and more that you can use tod PDF